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If you are a team of founders ready to divide equity for the first time, or you want to check how fair is your current agreement on equity split, or you are just interested in founder equity issues, you are welcome to visit us at and try Founder Equity Solution (FES) model. It’s free and easy to use!

We get many questions from founders why they should use the model if they can always split equally. Well, equal split doesn’t always mean fair. And it actually can harm the startup. If founders split equally and then one of the founders feels that she contributes more to the project, that may cause tension between founders and result in a less stable startup performance. Investors, so the research says, tend to give lower valuations to teams splitting equally, because they suspect that such teams lack entrepreneurial negotiation skills.

FES has everything to help you decide on a fair equity split for your team. Go to the website, open the model, answer the questions and get the recommendation on how to divide equity within several minutes! You may agree with it or not – that’s fine. You may adjust it further with your team. Important is that you can use this recommendation as a starting point in equity negotiations with your co-founders and turn uncomfortable conversations into a fun teamwork!

We hope you’ll enjoy using FES! We’d love to hear your feedback here or at

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